Psychological Discomfort

Here's a question for you. How willing are you to
endure discomfort in order to grow and improve?

Many of us watch our diet, get enough sleep, or
workout everyday in order to look and feel better.
Are we willing to make the same effort in order
to grow and improve psychologically?

Improving and growing psychologically includes
successfully managing: stress, negative emotions,
unreal or painful thoughts and pictures in our mind,
and desires that hurt us or others.

Here's a little scale to help us measure how willing
we are to endure psychological discomfort. Most of
us will fall somewhere between zero - NO and 5 - YES. 

Zero (0) = "NO! I'm not at all willing to be inconven-
                       ienced or feel bad in order to grow
Five (5) = "YES, I'm totally willing to be inconven-
                       ienced or feel bad in order to grow

                 HOW DO YOU RATE YOURSELF?
                  NO     0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5   YES

This is simple idea, a simple scale, and a simple
question. But exposing your willingness to tolerate
discomfort in order to grow psychologically could
reveal a lot. It's worth a thought or two. You
might even change your life.